Afterwords: A Ministry of Mercy

Afterwords:  A Ministry of Mercy

-          Every moment of life is a gift of God’s Mercy

-          Unleash the miracle of forgiveness and mercy for ourselves and our loved ones

-          Jesus reaches out in love, forgiveness and mercy to those who hate, attack and dishonor Him; pray that we may do the same

-          Unforgiveness is the cause of so much brokenness and unhappiness in our lives, may we learn to use the key of forgiveness to unleash the miracle of mercy for ourselves and our loved ones

-          There is an enormous disparity between the powerful resources available to the forces promoting the culture of death and the means at the disposal of those working for a culture of life and love; however, we have faith in God our Father and Lord, in His goodness and mercy that God is preparing a great new springtime of Christian life which will be revealed when Christians are docile to the action of the Holy Spirit

May we know the life-giving, soul-saving, cleansing, freeing, and healing powers of the waters of God’s Ocean of Mercy when we plunge and immerse ourselves in God’s Overflowing Love